Telemedicine is the term given to remote healthcare delivery. For example, via the internet and videochat apps. Telemedicine allows doctors and patients to converse with one another remotely, wherever they happen to be.

What I Do
My role in your treatment is to:
Diagnose a mental health condition
Determine if medications are safe and helpful for your condition
Maximize the benefit of medications, without doing harm.
All to help you lead a more fulfilling life.
A psychiatrist is needed when talk therapy is not enough to achieve the goal of stabilizing your condition and getting you to feel better. As a medical doctor, my job in your care is to manage psychotropic medications.
Mental illness
is not a choice
Coming to the realization that you may need to see a psychiatrist can be a frightening experience. Whether you are looking to transfer from another physician or are not sure if a psychiatrist could be helpful to you, have a look around and get to know us here at Crossroads Psychiatry.

Contact Me
Call (361) 703-5026
Fax (361) 703-5394

3833 S. Staples St, Suite N 215
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
3904 John Stockbauer Dr, Suite 114
Victoria, TX 77904